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UI/UX design

The field of web design is constantly evolving. Today, UI UX is more than a way to create an attractive environment. This is, without exaggeration, one of the main indicators
to create a high-quality strategy for any method of promotion.

What is UI/UX?

The terminology of UX/UI appeared not so long ago. It directly refers to design projects.
UI UX design combines two definitions:

UX – ways of user’s relationship with the service;
UI – the very interface of any resource.
User interface elements include color fields, fonts, buttons, images, and other important components.

The difference between UX/UI and
a normal website design?

The concept of UX/UI today is much larger than traditional web design. Using this methodology, it is possible to evaluate any object in terms of its visual appeal.

UI/UX development stages

Creating a website is hard to imagine without providing a user-friendly experience.
You need to find the right look and feel for the site.
The main stages of building a quality UI/UX design:

UI/UX design

Most attention is paid to the consumer segment. The task includes analysis of products belonging to competitive market players.

This includes determining the basic direction of user interface/UX design. Fonts are selected, the appearance of the main components of the future Internet resource is thought out: buttons, icons, illustrations, etc.

Includes the formation of a schematic modular structure of pages and sections. Creates the functionality and ergonomics of the future site.

Contains more detailed design parameters after the creation of the overall concept. It is important that the visual component conveys the essence of the proposed product or service.

Formation of a detailed UX/user interface scheme, which includes all pages, text modules, subsections, functional blocks. The interface is designed so that the site has a good usability.

When analyzing the performance of the resulting product, many significant indicators are checked. This includes consumer interest, conversion rate and other criteria.

Started operation of the new site utilizing all integrated options.

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Interface relevance
for any product

Building a website for the purpose of selling products or services plays a key role in driving customer growth. Therefore, quality UX/UI design development should first of all help to increase the consumer audience as well as the rapid growth of conversions.

Why is it worth ordering the creation of UX /UI
at GEN-X?

A creative, productive website gives our clients the opportunity to take advantage of its brightest pluses.
Let’s note the most significant of them:

  • creation of a favorable image of a business participant among visitors to his site;
  • formation of prerequisites for popularization of the offered product or service;
  • increasing the interest of the target audience in the products offered by the site;
  • users of the site with a well-designed UI/UX will increasingly make the expected target actions.

We at Gen-X are waiting for you to initiate the most beneficial UI UX concept together and discuss a comprehensive strategy to improve your business!


Our team necessarily agrees with the customer on the term of the work, depending on the scale, complexity.

The time and cost are influenced by the goals, objectives of resource design, its structure, as well as the required result concerning the effectiveness for the target audience.

The number of creative UI UX web design solutions will depend on the client's wishes.

To choose the right partner for you, you need to carefully study the range of its Internet marketing services described on the official web portal, as well as familiarize yourself with the opinion of other customers about it.

The price is influenced by the features of the site structure, including the number of pages, features of program modules, requirements for targeted actions, etc.

The client can choose the tasks entrusted to GenX specialists.

User interface design is a demanding task. Therefore, it is better to entrust it to people with a lot of experience.

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