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Learn how we’ve elevated our clients’ websites to the top of the search engines with effective SEO strategies.

SEO promotion

Team X : SEO specialist, PM, WEB-developer, Linkbuilder.
Term : 1 year

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SEO promotion

Team X : SEO specialist, PM, WEB developer, Copywriter, Linkbuilder.
Term : up to date

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Здесь вы найдете примеры наших готовых сайтов 

WEB-розробка WP

WEB-розробник, PM, UI-UX дизайнер, копірайтер, контент менеджер
Термін ведення: 2 місяці

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WEB-розробка WP

WEB-розробник, PM, UI-UX дизайнер, копірайтер, контент менеджер, seo-спеціалст
Термін ведення: 10 місяців

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WEB-development WP

WEB developer, PM, UI-UX designer, copywriter, content manager
Lead time: 2 months

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WEB-development WP

WEB-developer, PM, UI-UX designer, copywriter, content manager, seo-specialist
Lead time: 10 months

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Gen-X Portfolio: Examples of our best cases

Welcome to the Gen-X portfolio! Here you will find examples of our work that demonstrate our professionalism, creativity and ability to deliver outstanding results for our clients. We take pride in every project, because behind each of them is the hard work of our team of experts.

Web design and development

Our web design and development projects demonstrate how we create attractive and functional websites that meet the needs of our clients. We work with a variety of niches, from small businesses to large corporations. Our work is characterized by unique design, usability and adaptability for different devices.

Examples of projects:

  • E-commerce website for Fashion Boutique: We created a stylish and user-friendly online store that increased online sales by 45% in the first month.
  • Corporate website for Tech Innovators: Developed an informative and modern website that strengthened the brand and attracted new partners.

Graphic Design

At Graphic Design, we create visual solutions that help our clients stand out in the marketplace. Our designers work on logos, promotional materials, corporate identity and more.

Project examples:

  • Brand redesign for Health & Wellness: Developed a new logo and identity, resulting in a 60% increase in brand awareness.
  • Advertising campaign for Travel Agency: Created a series of creative banners and posters that increased customer engagement by 35%.

SEO and Digital Marketing

We help you reach the top of the search engines with comprehensive SEO strategies. Our portfolio includes cases where we have succeeded in significantly increasing website visibility and organic traffic.

Examples of projects:

  • SEO for Online Education Platform: Optimized the site and content, which increased organic traffic by 70% within six months.
  • Digital Marketing for Local Restaurant: Developed and implemented a digital marketing strategy including SEO, content marketing and social media, resulting in a 50% increase in bookings.

Why choose us.

Our portfolio speaks for itself. We are results-oriented and always strive to exceed our clients’ expectations. Every project is an opportunity for us to demonstrate our expertise and help our client’s business reach new heights. No matter how complex the task, we find creative and effective solutions.

We are proud that our clients trust us with their most valuable asset – their brands and businesses. Take a look at our work and you’ll understand why Gen-X is the choice of those who know what their product can do!

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