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How much does website promotion in Google cost?

website promotion

Your own Internet portal is a constant work. This applies to the question of how much it costs to promote the site. To calculate the budget, a consultation is necessary.
During the discussion it will be possible to get answers to the topic:

  • SEO specialists solve other problems related to the resource. A comprehensive approach to the fulfillment of tasks allows you to conduct an SEO audit of the site. You can take action to improve your reputation based on the results.
  • How they form the cost;
  • how to optimize costs.

SEO specialists solve other problems related to the resource. A comprehensive approach to the fulfillment of tasks allows you to conduct an SEO audit of the site. You can take action to improve your reputation based on the results.

What is included in the promotion of the site

During the consultation it is possible to find out what services are included in the ordered package. In addition, the client can evaluate the advantages of a comprehensive approach for his business.

The price of a website promotion company includes

  • expansion (collection) of the semantic kernel;
  • Analyzing competitors’ performance in the niche and region;
  • improving the portal interface for greater convenience;
  • Improving behavioral factors (length of stay, clicking on links);
  • increase in site traffic due to organic traffic from search engines;
  • increase of positions in the top of the results output.

Using comprehensive website promotion, it is possible to reduce the cost of the task.

Cost of SEO promotion

It is impossible to form the cost without additional information, because the prices will be approximate.
Many factors are taken into account during the calculations, including:

  • site life;
  • list of required works for successful promotion;
  • the number of consultations with the specialist;
  • the goals of the company that is interested in improving its position in the issue;
  • volume of pages to be optimized and filled with content.
Seo price

Given that website promotion is a long process, price changes are expected. It is possible to minimize costs by using a comprehensive approach to promotion.
Otherwise, the cost depends on:

  • Audit
    Analyzing the information that is already on the site is necessary to identify gaps. Correct mistakes made equal to improve future results.
  • Difficulties of optimization
    Works begin after discussing the requirements. Tasks that include external optimization of the site, require careful elaboration.
  • The number of texts.
    Effective seo promotion of the site is the work of copywriters over content. This is preceded by the collection of the semantic kernel and the preparation of the terms of reference.

At the same time, you can promote new and long-running sites, as well as pages for individual products.

Minimum cost of site promotion

Let’s say at once: promotion of the site in search engines is not the cheapest service. Since several specialists are involved in the work, the cost is from 400 dollars a month. This price is relevant for young portals that are in the “sandbox” of Google and other systems.
The cost of SEO site promotion includes the following stages:

  • market research (site audit, niche and competitor analysis);
  • optimization of old and adding new pages;
  • formation of semantic kernel;
  • writing optimized quality texts;
  • additional consultations.

It is possible to calculate and specify the minimum cost during consultations. This ensures that the customer receives the best option for their application.

What the cost of SEO optimization depends on

Discussing the cost in detail will allow you to draw up a preliminary estimate.
For better orientation, it is worth specifying the list of services that will be included in the package:

  1. SEO audit of the site.
    The assessment of the current state of the portal is carried out at once. The results help to make a precise list of works that are needed to improve the ranking.
  2. Internal optimization.
    Technical errors made in the codes, affect the position in the issuance. To eliminate them, the specialist studies the results of an earlier audit
  3. Formation of the semantic kernel.
    Queries that contribute to the promotion of the portal are collected taking into account several factors. The specialist analyzes the niche, the region of activity and other data.
  4. Writing texts.
    Relevant articles with key phrases – one of the promotion tools. Quality SEO-copywriting and its cost depend on the number of pages for the placement of materials.
  5. Linkbuilding.
    These are links from authoritative sources leading to your pages. This requires texts with anchors, as well as the selection of appropriate media resources.

Prices for website optimization range from $550 to $2,000. A consultant of an SEO studio will help you to find out the exact cost.

Optimization of different types of sites

To determine the real price of services, experts take into account the type of your site. The approach is justified due to the difference in internal volume. For example, online stores are thousands of pages with different content. The result is a long processing of an array of data.

SEO lending promotion

Despite the small volume, promotion services cost about 300 dollars.
For successful promotion contextual advertising is used, and before that is conducted:

  • Analyzing competitors’ products;
  • collecting data on the target audience;
  • assessing the relevance of offers.

Preparation of sales text is based on the results of the semantic kernel collection.

Promotion of a business card site

Specialists of our agency carry out internal optimization of a single page and analyze external influencing factors.

The results can be seen within 3 months. Before that it is necessary to audit the content, content processing and external seo optimization of the site.
The price depends on the niche and the number of competitors, and this should be taken into account.

Promotion of corporate website

You can calculate the cost of website promotion during an individual consultation. The promotion process is divided into two stages. At the initial one, relatively small expenses are required, and the price varies from 500 dollars. The development of the correct strategy is included in the complex, but is not limited to it.
Specialists perform:

  • SEO analysis of competitor websites;
  • collection of relevant key queries;
  • analyzing and eliminating technical errors;
  • usability improvement;
  • implementation of security protocols.

The performance requirements of such portals are high, which justifies the price offered for the services.

Prices for promotion to TOP 10 on a turnkey basis

Considering the issue of costs, it is worth mentioning the availability of different payment options.
Thus, a comprehensive approach and turnkey SEO services are paid for based on:

  1. Service provided.
    Transparent estimating and ordering the complete package allows you to spread costs over quarters. This allows you to save money while maintaining important metrics.
  2. Traffic received.
    Organic traffic is an actual user who opened the site. It is charged for the actual result, not for future performance.
  3. Promotion of sites in the top 10.
    This is a costly project, justified by the mature results. The cost of work includes the entire package of services that are needed to achieve high positions in the search.

Website promotion in Ukraine – an opportunity to get results using the available budget wisely.

How to choose an SEO company

Finding a contractor is a difficult but doable task. To do this, it is necessary to analyze proposals and projects that have already been implemented.
You can study the information on the website of the chosen agency. Impressions received during the consultation also affect the decision.
Gen-X Digital Agency is a studio that:

  • will prepare a detailed commercial proposal taking into account individual requirements;
  • is ready to thoroughly study the needs of the business, taking into account the niche, region and other factors;
  • will develop a personalized strategy;
  • will perform individual planning of SEO website promotion.

Analyzing old content and adding new content are provided by our specialists.
Turnkey SEO promotion, which is carried out by GenX Digital Agency, takes into account the available budget and the client’s request.
Therefore, the choice is obvious.

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