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Today copywriting is an important tool that helps to promote and sell goods and services. Text content for websites and lendings is written according to certain rules, which allows you to effectively cope with the tasks at hand.

What types of content can be ordered from the GenX team

Writing sales texts

Sales articles are necessary to encourage a potential customer to order or buy. They are written according to certain rules and always end with a call to action.

Article writing

Articles for the website are usually of an informational or introductory nature. Their main purpose is to be useful and to give the reader food for thought.

Description of goods and services

An online store that offers a lot of products needs high-quality and up-to-date descriptions. The more accurate and complete the information provided, the more loyal customers will be.

SEO texts for landing pages

These articles are needed primarily for promotion. Seo text is an article that contains key, i.e. relevant words and phrases necessary for better positions in search.

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What is included in the copywriting service

Quality, professional copywriting involves several important steps, each of which let’s take a closer look at.

copywriting online

This is important to understand who will buy your product or service and why.

Relevant words and phrases will help your seo content be more effective.

In order for an article to solve close the user’s pain, it is important to choose its format: selling or informational. Each of them has its own rules of writing.

The most responsible part of the work, which requires the experience and professionalism of the performer. A description, post or article is written in accordance with the terms of reference. If you need seo texts – this is one format of work, and if the description of goods – a completely different.

The editor proofreads what the copywriter has written and makes corrections so that there are no mistakes and misspellings on the site.This helps the user to form a positive opinion of the brand.

Order text

Why should you order content writing from GenX?

We have assembled a team of experienced copywriters who are constantly developing and improving in their field to provide the best results.

Our web studio takes care of our clients, offering them:

  • guarantee of the quality of the work performed;
  • fulfillment of all conditions of the contract;
  • writing experience for different niches;
  • transparent, timely reporting;
  • competitive prices.

Thus, the services of a copywriter in GenX will allow you to fill your web page with quality materials, and your business will help you to develop more actively and constantly increase your profits. Entrust serious work to professionals!


This is an article created taking into account the principles of search engine ranking. It is optimized for a certain list of user queries (keywords or phrases). The main purpose of such a text is to take the first positions in search services.

This is all of its informational content, namely photos, videos, descriptions, articles, infographics.

To order copywriting for a website, contact us and we will tell you about our rates and give you detailed advice on how to place an order for our company's services.

All rates depend on such factors as format, complexity, focus and functions of the text, and are negotiated with each customer individually. So seo copywriting is more expensive than an informative article.

We will be able to answer this question after analyzing the future web page and preparatory work. However, our specialists work quickly and efficiently, so you will be able to make the text as quickly as possible.

Recognize the conditions of writing

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