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Social media marketing

SMM promotion is necessary for a company to effectively interact with the target audience, strengthen the brand and increase sales.  An active presence on social networks allows a company to quickly respond to reviews, solve problems and strengthen customer trust.

The success of companies depends on several factors – the level of socialness, utilization of media resources and marketing effectiveness. Thinking about it, it becomes clear that SMM is the development of social networks to increase sales. Fortunately, the method has good results, and it can be used by sellers, service providers and even specialists in different fields.

What kind of social media are there?

It is not difficult to choose a platform for brand advertising, because the number is large. Evaluating popular networks, SMM strategy relies on the age of active users.
Based on this data, the following profitable portals are distinguished:


The demand for the site is explained by the age category from 18 to 25 years old. Users spend a lot of time watching the feed and easily contact representatives of the business industry.


The platform attracts people over the age of 25, and themed content and publications from brands have high conversion rates.
Promotion equals that buyers learn about the available offers. However, it is worth keeping in mind the high competition.


Professional networking, which is important for B2B companies, allows you to make business contacts, publish articles and have discussions in professional groups.


A popular platform for short videos among young people, used for creative and viral marketing.

Basic SMM strategy

Social media promotion is a way to build up an audience in order to actively engage with them. The purpose of using the platforms influences which of the possible services are suitable for your specific request.

For planning purposes, explore the available list of SMM services:

SMM optimization

Launching an advertising campaign is the result of working on a strategy. Planning will help to take care of the required conversion rate. We use an SMM planner that controls the regularity of publications.

The chosen strategy is also influenced by the company’s “presence” indicators. It can be determined thanks to an audit. Marketing research identifies weaknesses and opportunities for optimization. As a consequence, it is easier for the salesperson to work on improvements on various sites.

A portrait of the target customers is also prepared by the cmmt. This improves the promotion strategy in order to meet the needs of the most interested customers.

The regularity of posts affects the reach of the audience, but you should not forget about the diversity of topics. For this purpose, the SMM rubricator is used, which divides publications by topic and “dilutes” serious thoughts with light content.

High competition is a way to improve your offerings. Evaluating others’ results and comparing them to your own achievements will help you identify problems and correct them.

SMM services offered include reputation management. Analysis of feedback, elimination of errors and optimization of campaigns contribute to the improvement of customer relations.

Turning a casual purchase into brand commitment is an art. In other situations, familiarity without advertising is more complicated. Targeting is advertising promotion in social networks among users who are looking for a specific product. It needs a little nudge.

Promotion tools
social networks

SMM marketer Gen-X uses targeting, CA analysis and other listed methods for effective promotion.
Technical tools include programs for work that help:

  • advertise;
  • gather statistics;
  • track mentions.

We use creative tools to create, design and promote the profile.
An integrated approach contributes to the results, and SMM social networking recruiting will not be required for this.


The best social media for your business depends on your target audience and goals. Facebook, Instagram and TikTok are suitable for a general audience, LinkedIn for B2B.

It is difficult to form the cost of promotion without additional data. The price is influenced by the chosen methods, the frequency of advertising campaigns and many other factors. Formation of the cost takes place taking into account the budget and individually.

Seo is used to promote a brand on search engines, while SMM is used for social media.

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